Using high resolution photographs we examine and compare signatures on the paintings we are authenticating, with solidly recorded ones.

We also perform forensic signature examinations.

Finally, we use forensic digital photography analysis to determine if micro signatures are painted signatures, or digital distortions, or optical aberrations, or apophenia or pareidolia cases.

High resolution macro photos are required for signature work.

La casserole rouge (1951), oil on canvas, 114 x 146 cm, Mus�e Bernard Buffet

Goya usually just signed "Goya" with simple and unadorned letters. He also had a longer, more decorative signature of "Fran. de Goya," in which the tail of the final a curls around several times.

Les grues d'Hokkaido: Deux oiseaux combattants (1981), oil on canvas, 200 x 254 cm, Mus�e Bernard Buffet

Goya also signed some of his etching plates, but his editions were not hand signed.

Les grues d'Hokkaido: Deux oiseaux combattants (1981), oil on canvas, 200 x 254 cm, Mus�e Bernard Buffet

If you want to determine if a Goya signature is authentic, please send a sharp closeup of it.

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    We examine Goya paintings, drawings and sculptures anywhere in the world except at our office because we cannot get insurance for artworks that have not been authenticated.

    Requests for information, interviews, opinions, insider knowledge, news material, interesting tidbits, welcome.

    We assist you for articles, radio broadcasts, TV shows, the preparation of documentaries and movies, research for books and exhibition catalogues.

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